How to Stop Internet Addiction

Who are you reaching out for?

We've acknowledged and discuss social media addiction. And while social media is a huge part of what we do with the internet, it certainly isn’t the only thing. 

Internet addiction as a whole is difficult to address because we do so much on the web. It' so integrated into our everyday life for both pleasure and work. So, how are you supposed to cope with internet addiction if you also have to use it?

Types of Internet Addiction 

Internet addiction, or computer addiction, isn’t listed in the DSM-5 yet. But as more research is being done, it's likely the internet addiction will appear there soon. Sometimes it's hard to identify because it is mixed in with people’s necessary internet usage, it is hidden from other people, and there are various types of addiction relating to internet use. 

Essentially, most types of behavioral addictions can be enabled through internet usage. Even though there is still some controversy over how to classify it, five subtypes of internet addiction have emerged and been identified.

Online Gaming 

Games and gaming apps are readily available to play on your computer and smartphone anytime you like. Obsessive computer gaming plagues many people in our society now and people partaking at home on their own time, but also during work and school hours or when they should be doing something else. It can also be costly because of micro-transactions.

Net Compulsions

Net compulsions are compulsive behaviors surrounding interactive activities online that typically involve winning such as internet gambling, online shopping, stock trading, and auctions on sites such as eBay. The internet makes it easy and instantly accessible. Regularly and compulsively doing such activities can have serious negative effects on a person’s finances, relationships, and other responsibilities. 


With the virtually limitless information and activities available on the internet, it is no surprise that some people turn to it for sex. This involves any type of mature adult websites, chatrooms, or pornography and can be written, pictures, videos, or real-time meetups and viewings. 

It can be a sexual addiction, internet one, or both. It's usually quite detrimental to people’s ability to have or maintain romantic relationships in real life. It also allows for people to give into compulsions that they normally wouldn't because their online activity is not visible to others.

Cyber Relationships

Cyber relationships may or may not include cybersex. They are different in that someone is forging and maintaining one, or many, online relationships. These online relationships can start through dating websites, online chat rooms, social media, or video games.

Having online relationships can keep people from being involved in their real life relationships. Another issue with cyber relationships is that people are able to create or steal another persona. This often leads to catfishing, or falling victim to catfishing.

Information Seeking

The internet is a hub for any and all types of data and information. You can lookup just about anything and instantly be presented with what seems to be endless results, information, and answers. 

For some people this leads to a compulsive and uncontrollable urge to seek information on the internet. With virtually unlimited information, this urge can be all-consuming and interfere with other aspects of life.

How to Stop Internet Addiction

There is still some debate as to what internet addiction really is and how to classify it. Some say it is a behavioral addiction, an impulse control disorder, or a version of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Which subtype of internet addiction, and what underlying issues can affect how it’s classified, which might affect treatment. 

Addressing All Aspects of the Addiction

It is important to identify the real problem in order to be able to treat it. Do you have an internet addiction, or do you have a gambling addiction?

Like with other addictions, a holistic approach is often necessary to address the root of the problem. Oftentimes, the internet just makes other behavioral addictions accessible and anonymous.

For example, cyber relationships and cybersex allows you to put on whatever front you want, which isn’t completely possible in real life. Online gambling allows you to bet without having to step out of your house and go to a casino.

Understand the Internet is Essential 

One of the tricky aspects of treating internet addiction is recognizing and acknowledging that the use of the internet is essential in the vast majority of people’s lives in the United States. 88.5% of Americans use the internet, 75% are on the internet at least once daily, and one in five say they use it “almost constantly.

Smartphones make it so we are able to access the internet in any environment whenever we want. Of course, there are benefits to this, but there are downsides as well. Even without an internet addiction, time online and smartphone use can affect the well being of a person just by changing lifestyle habits such as exercise, sleep, work, school, and social time. 

A mobile device such as a phone or a tablet is used by 75% of people to access the internet. In the United States, 85% of us own a smartphone. It is a tool to ease and enhance our lives and our potential, but how you use it and the amount of time you allow yourself to use it are important.

Internet Addiction Treatment

The nature of an internet addiction will affect the course of treatment. Talking to an experienced counselor and undergoing talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, is the best way to identify the core of your addiction.  

The truth is, a life online can never replace your real life. Navigating an internet addiction in this day in age can be overwhelming.

If you find your internet use is hindering your real life, the team at Sequoia Behavioral Health can help you get a grasp on your urges and re-enter your life in the physical world. 

Get started today for a better tomorrow!

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