Why Do I Feel Like Crying for No Reason?

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Sometimes, we can feel like we’re on the brink of tears for seemingly no reason at all. This can be concerning at times, and it often makes us wonder if there's a deeper issue that we aren’t aware of. 

Even if you don't know why you feel like crying, there’s always a reason. A variety of factors influence how we feel, whether we are aware of them or not. 

To understand where these feelings are coming from, let’s take a look at why we cry, why we feel like crying in certain situations, and what can cause us to feel like crying for no reason. 

Why Do We Cry? Different Tears for Different Reasons

One reason why we cry is to wash out irritants from our eyes. These types of tears are called reflexive tears. Reflexive tears are an automatic response to various forms of external and internal stimuli. External stimuli can include smoke or onion fumes, while internal stimuli can include yawning or vomiting. 

No image, text: reflexive tears clean and protect our eyes, while emotional tears soothe emotions or provide empathy

Emotional Tears

Emotional tears are different from reflexive tears, both in chemical composition and how they are caused. Scientists have determined that emotional tears contain proteins and hormones that aren’t found in other types of tears. Some experts believe that these chemicals are used to soothe us, while other experts believe they are used to give us empathy. 

Emotional tears, as the name suggests, are the result of intense emotions. These emotions can include:

  • Pain
  • Anger 
  • Stress 
  • Fear
  • Anxiety

At times, it can be difficult to identify our emotions and determine how we are feeling. Even when we are unaware of these emotions, they can cause us to cry unexpectedly. 

Why Do I Feel Sad When I’m Alone?

Human beings are social creatures. Our need to connect with one another contributes to our success, both as a species and on an individual level. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, you need human contact to maintain physical and mental regulation. 

The Consequences of Being Alone

Loneliness can be detrimental to our physical health, and it can lead to disrupted sleep, lowered immunity, and even cardiovascular disease. Social isolation also affects us on a psychological level, causing cognitive decline, stress, and depression. 

It is natural to feel sad when you are alone. Although independence and self-reliance are valuable traits to possess, we all need each other from time to time. If you’re sad when you’re alone, then it may be a sign that you should enrich your social life. Sometimes, however, it may be a sign that you have a dependent personality disorder.

no image, text: Harmful effects of loneliness includes disrupted sleep, cognitive decine, heightened stress, lowered immunity, sadness and depression, and cardiovascular disease

Read our related guide to discover the signs and symptoms of dependent personality disorder.

Why Do I Feel Like Crying When Talking to Someone?

It’s normal to feel like crying when you are discussing troubling topics. This can be during an argument, when you're delivering or receiving bad news, or discussing traumatic experiences during therapy. Crying helps us express strong emotions and convey empathy to others. 

Sometimes, we can feel like crying in typical social situations or during mundane conversations. This can be a sign that you’re struggling with a deeply-rooted issue that’s triggering a strong emotional response. 

Does Anxiety Make You Cry for No Reason?

No matter what kind of anxiety you’re suffering from, it can cause you to cry unexpectedly. Anxiety makes people feel overwhelmed or exhausted, and this can eventually lead to crying. Even when we might not necessarily want to cry, your body will cry as an automatic response to anxiety.

Soothing Anxiety With Tears

Crying helps us soothe anxiety by releasing pent-up tension and emotions. This is why we normally feel better after crying. If you are in a safe space to express your emotions by crying, it is often better to cry than to try to suppress your emotions further. 

Read our related guide to discover the symptoms of crippling anxiety and how it can be treated.

Image: Close up of a person rubbing their eyes, looking distressed. Text: Crying helps us soothe anxiety by releasing pent-up tension and emotions.

What Causes You to Cry for No Reason? Uncovering the Culprits

Although you may feel like your tears are coming out of nowhere, there’s always a reason. When there doesn’t seem to be an obvious reason for crying, there is normally a deeper issue that’s the source of your tears.

No image, text: reasons for crying for no reason include: psychological distress, hormone fluctuations, and mental health disorders

Crying from Psychological Distress

Psychological distress can have serious implications for your mental health and emotional well-being. Common sources of psychological distress include: 

  • Grief—intense sadness after a loss can cause long-term emotional pain
  • Burnout—continuous exhaustion makes it difficult to regulate emotions
  • Trauma—traumatic experiences have a lasting effect on our emotional well-being
  • Stress—prolonged stress can lead to heightened emotions and emotional outbursts

The emotional harm caused by psychological distress can make us cry for seemingly no reason. Seeking treatment for any form of psychological distress you’re experiencing can help you regulate your emotions and prevent the sudden urge to cry. 

Read our related article to discover the signs and symptoms of repressed trauma.

Crying from Hormone Fluctuations

Hormones are chemicals in our bodies that regulate a number of physiological processes. When hormones fluctuate or become unbalanced, they can cause mood swings and uncontrollable crying. 

Sometimes hormones can fluctuate due to medical issues, unhealthy lifestyles, or medication. Hormone fluctuations can also occur as a natural bodily process, such as during puberty, menstruation, or menopause. 

Crying from Mental Health Disorders

There are multiple mental health disorders that can cause you to suddenly cry. Some of these mental health disorders include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

In addition to mental health disorders, there are a few neurological disorders that can cause unexplained crying. These neurological disorders, such as pseudobulbar affect (PBA), are extremely rare compared to mental health disorders. 

Experience Emotional and Mental Well-Being at Sequoia Behavioral Health

At Sequoia Behavioral Health, we can help you achieve emotional wellness by treating the root of your mental health issues. No matter what’s causing you emotional harm, we are your partners in your mental health journey. 

If you or a loved one is experiencing emotional distress, consider reaching out to one of our mental health experts today. Our treatment plans are personalized to accomplish your mental health goals.

Even if our treatment options aren’t the right fit for you, we can help you find a mental health provider that’s better suited for your needs.  

Contact us today.

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