Psychoeducation helps clients learn more about themselves and discover practical ways to overcome mental and behavioral health problems.

Simply put, "psychoeducation" refers to how mental health professionals educate others about their mental health conditions. People who receive a medical diagnosis want to know more about their situation. The same goes for those with mental health disorders.
Mental health conditions can bring strong emotions and unique challenges. Most people want to know their diagnosis and how it will affect their life. Psychoeducation answers these questions and dozens more.
The best part is the knowledge that you are not alone. Psychoeducation helps you understand what people with your condition usually experience and which treatments are most effective.
What is Psychoeducation?
Psychoeducation provides information to those seeking or receiving mental health services, often due to mental health conditions or life-threatening/terminal illnesses.
This form of education isn't just about passing on information. It involves learning healthy skills to live with the condition and providing ways to grow your support network.
Psychotherapy is a tool for everything from personal development to relapse prevention. By engaging in psychoeducation programs, you understand what to expect and how to improve your condition.

Origins of Psychoeducation
Psychoeducation appeared over 100 years ago, but C.M. Anderson popularized it in 1980. Although the term existed throughout the 20th century, it did not gain momentum until movements addressed the stigmatization of mental health concerns and worked to increase mental health awareness.
Today, psychoeducation is a treatment standard for nearly every type of mental health disorder. It provides people with information about the causes, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment of their diagnosed condition.
Who Benefits from Psychoeducation?
Anyone with a mental health condition benefits from learning more about that issue. Some mental disorders can keep people from retaining or comprehending new information, but psychoeducation works to meet you where you're at.
This form of education isn't just about passing on information. It involves learning healthy skills to live with the condition and providing ways to grow your support network.
Psychoeducation isn't just for those seeking treatment or diagnosed with a mental disorder. Family and loved ones can also benefit because they learn to understand the signs of mental illness and how to interact and handle situations in a loving and supportive way.
Goals of Psychoeducation
When a mental health professional engages a client in psychoeducation, they typically have four goals in mind. First, they want to provide relevant information. However, they also want to support you in releasing emotions, finding treatment options, and learning ways to help yourself.
Goal 1: Provide Information
Upon diagnosis, you likely won't know much about your condition. We understand that online information may be confusing or unreliable, even if you've previously heard of the disorder.
The first goal in psychoeducation is to prepare you and your loved ones for what the diagnosis means for you specifically. You'll learn about the genetic, biological, and environmental factors that play a role in the cause of your condition. You'll also identify what you can expect regarding symptoms and treatments.

Goal 2: Release Emotions
Psychoeducation provides an opportunity to process feelings about the diagnosis. You and your loved ones will often receive psychoeducation in separate groups, providing the chance to express emotions freely.
Releasing uncomfortable emotions tends to reveal gaps in your understanding of the diagnosis. People feel anxious and overwhelmed when confronted with misinformation or misunderstanding. Psychoeducation works to provide relevant facts and help you come to terms with a realistic outlook.
Goal 3: Supportive Treatment
Psychiatric medications are a necessary part of treatment for many conditions. However, they will be unfamiliar to newly diagnosed patients. Even patients previously prescribed psychiatric medications must learn more before changing dosages or taking something new.
Psychoeducation teaches you how to take your medication, what side effects are common, and what to do if you miss a dose. You'll also learn how the medicine works and its effects on your body and mind. Lastly, you'll identify any restrictions associated with your prescribed medication.
Goal 4: Helping Yourself
Knowledge is power, and you can learn much about helping yourself with the proper instruction. Psychoeducation provides the tools necessary to recognize negative symptoms and know when to report them. It can also teach you about positive lifestyle changes and provide strategies to accomplish them.
Your mental health practitioner will teach you self-help skills that work to diminish or alleviate symptoms. They may also suggest books to read about your condition, support groups to visit, or other therapeutic modalities to try.

What Skills Can You Learn in Psychoeducation?
In addition to providing factual information, psychoeducation can supply a lot of other helpful skills for patients and families. Generally, skills fall into four key areas: assertiveness, communication, condition management, and problem-solving.
Assertiveness addresses your needs without causing additional problems for yourself or others. Learning assertiveness skills allows you to communicate your needs clearly without being aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive. It will enable you to be straightforward and honest without being unfairly demanding.
Effective communication helps avoid frustration and unnecessary conflicts. It allows you to work better with others and let them know what's important to you. Healthy communication makes your life easier by assuring you have a voice in consistently meeting your needs.
Condition Management
Condition management teaches you how to recognize the positive and negative symptoms of your mental health problems. It helps identify what symptoms to report and if they signal an urgent situation or emergency. It also helps to identify what conditions alleviate or worsen symptoms and what to do if you feel triggered.
When you have the support of a mental health professional, it's easy to want to wait to solve your problems with them. However, once you learn problem-solving techniques on your own, you can function better between sessions. This skill teaches you to identify problems as they arise, consider who's affected by the issue, assess solutions, and evaluate the best option.

Is Psychoeducation a Mental Health Treatment?
Psychoeducation combines the elements of individual therapy, group therapy, and education. It allows the patient, their family, and mental health professionals to work together for a better overall outcome.
Family and loved ones can also benefit because they learn to understand the signs of mental illness and how to interact and handle situations in a loving and supportive way.
Psychoeducation has no negative aspects when treating various mental illnesses and is best known for its treatment role in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Because of the cognitive changes patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder tend to experience, many medical professionals recommend cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) alongside family psychoeducation. Social skills training is an equally important treatment component.
Getting the Most from Psychoeducation
Every day, more and more people are beginning to see psychoeducation and mental health treatment as a team effort. When you approach it the same way, you'll become an active part of a treatment process that can dramatically improve your life. It's a simple process but is more effective when you're engaged.
You'll get the most out of psychoeducation when you participate in it actively and honestly. Whether you meet individually or in a group therapy session, be open to learning new information and practicing new skills. Ask questions when you don't understand something, and consider how general information might apply to you.
If you believe you may have a mental health condition or want to learn more about a diagnosis, reach out to us at Sequoia Behavioral Health. We offer state-of-the-art facilities and licensed therapists to help you work through the process in a safe and comforting environment.